Ohio's Hispanic Veterans From The Army Navy Air Force Marines Coast Guard Space Force

The Ohio Hispanic Veterans Memorial will be a place to honor all the Ohio Hispanic military veterans who fought and died protecting our nation’s freedoms.

About Us

Dedicated To Honoring Our Hispanic Veterans

The Ohio Hispanic Veterans Board was formed by our loving and respected leader and former Police Chief of the City of Lorain, the late Celestino Rivera. His wife, Elba Armstrong and many other leaders strongly believe that it is our duty and responsibility to continue building on the existing small monument to respectfully honor and remember our Hispanic heroes.

There are several veteran memorials in Ohio and in the Midwest, but none dedicated to Hispanic veterans. The closest Hispanic veterans memorial is in Buffalo, New York. Family members of Hispanic veterans in Lorain and other cities in Ohio do not have a place where they can pay their respects to their fallen heroes.

These families need a quiet setting to visit and remember sacrifices made by their loved ones for their country.

2020 Census Hispanic Data

Hispanics currently comprise the largest minority group in the United States with the 2020 census reporting 62.1 million. As documented in these reports the Hispanic population keeps growing in
overwhelming numbers.

The 2020 census reported a 2.3% growth as compared to 4.3% in the general population. Recently, 100 years of Hispanic occupancy in the City of Lorain was celebrated. In 1921 the first Mexican families arrived followed by the Puerto Ricans in 1947.

Lorain, Ohio is currently home to the largest Hispanic community per capita in the state; 28.5% in the city and 10.5% in the county. The majority of the population is concentrated in what is known as South Lorain. The census continues to show growth of Hispanics in the city and county of Lorain.

Hispanic Americans
40 Million
0 %

Hispanic representation in the U.S. military goes back to the Civil War. According to the Department of Defense, Hispanics make up about 16% of all active-duty military. It should be noted that Hispanic soldiers from Lorain City and other cities & counties in Ohio have served and fallen during their active duty, defending their country.

Coming Soon

Inauguration Countdown


Project Timeline

We are well underway, determined and dedicated!

Benefiting Our Community

Sponsored In Part By

Current Partners

The Board of the Ohio Hispanic Veterans Memorial Project has developed many relationships and collaborations with a great number of organizations and institutions that support the vision of the project.


OHVM c/o El Centro
2800 Pearl Avenue
Lorain, OH 44055​

© 2025 Ohio Hispanic Veterans Memorial